Saturday, March 20, 2010

my backyard.

This morning the sun is being sneaky.
She pops out for a brief five seconds or so, and beams down quite nicely, then off she goes.
Then I'm faced with the chilly wind breezing by and it's nice in a weird way.
I think that what it is, is that it's getting to be that time again, where I can just sit outside on my back porch doing this or that, and really enjoy it all.

(sleepy eyes.)

Swarley was getting into everything little thing inside the house, so I decided to bring her outside and let her run around and discover things.

One thing I really like about this house is my backyard.
I like the white wooden porch swing.
I like the view of the lake.
I like the woods.

I was thinking about how I'm excited to spend some summer evenings out here.
Reading, writing, thinking, swinging.
Then I realized that I won't be here for any more summer nights.
That is a weird thing.

We better get a porch swing.


  1. love your pictures, the second one is so gorgeous and you are just so cute in the first one!! :)


  2. What an amazing view!!!


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