Monday, June 25, 2012

the best laugh of all time.

You guys probably thought that I was going to say Tatum's laugh is the best laugh of all time. Well, guess what? 

Mr. Belding (yes, of Saved By the Bell.) has what I'm 99.7% certain is the best laugh of all.

When SBTB first arrived to Netflix Instant I got super into it again and watched it pretty much non-stop. During this period I was reminded of just how much I love Mr. B's amazing laugh. I mean. There are honestly no words to describe it. 
Sometimes, I just think about it. Like, is it real? Does the man who played Richard Belding laugh like this in real life?
I hope so.
In fact, I'm just going to pretend that he does. Don't kill my dreams.

I am not exaggerating when I say that finding this video montage of Mr. Belding was a dream come true for me. 
I'd seriously been wishing for so long that such a video existed. Finally I realized that, duh, I could look and see if one did.
And, well, lo and behold...*

*This video is actually mildly creepy.


  1. LOVE Saved By The Bell! Rosie got me a few of their episodes on VHS! haha. Oh I miss those days of wakin up to it playin on tv on school days! haha

    1. I always watched it before school, too!
      Loved it. Haha. : )

  2. Stop! This is the best post ever! Thank you for making me laugh, in the midst of my children screaming!

  3. This was hilarious and even more so because I've met him more than once. Haaaaaa! He's from Chattanooga (I think?) and that's where I grew up. He used to come into two different places I worked in high school and college. Too funny! I still love this show and I'm 34 with 2 kiddos. ;)

  4. I miss saturday morning saved by the bell. classic! Great blog...just discovered it from "sometimes sweet" .... cute baby too!!


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