Wednesday, November 23, 2011

one week old.

I'm going to be totally honest...Whenever bloggers would have babies + then have guest posters for a week or two, I always thought that was kind of silly. I know--I'm a jerk. I just didn't get it! Holy crap, I totally do now. I basically feel like I have time for nothing. I can't believe I'm actually writing a blog post right now. Sigh. Babies are hard work, yo!

So, I have a one week old baby. Already. It's so weird.

Anyways, here are some photos from this past week with our sweet baby lady:

Thanks for all of the sweet comments and encouraging words this past week! They have meant a lot to me. : )


  1. OMG she is so totally cute. I love her sweet little round face!

  2. Cute cute cute! Yes, it's hard work and so time consuming but it gets better and easier and there is nothing more worth it!

  3. No matter how hard or tired, it's always worth it. She is precious!!!

  4. SOO thrilled to see a new blog from one of my very favorite writers!!! She is so lovely, I am counting down the days until I can see her again! These pictures are just absolutely delightful!!! Love all of you so much!

  5. lydia! she's beautiful! we should get the babies together when you all get settled a bit. :)

  6. She's so precious. Yes, this first little stretch of 2 or 3 months is so exhausting but it's so great and it seriously does get better. You will sleep again! Ha ha ha. :). I'm really nervous about being in your shoes again soon plus starting school. Yeah. The blog is likely going to take a baaaaaaack seat. Ha. My last post for a while will likely be the birth story. Looks like you are doing great. You look great. She is a pretty little doll! So precious. So happy for you.

  7. She's so cute! I was so excited for your first post about her :) Update us when you can but it's more than understandable that you're doing to have your hands full. Take care of yourself, Love! xxx

  8. Congrats Lydia!!!!!! Sending you much love!

  9. Yay! Congrats!!! Beautiful!! Sidd is a month old today and I still haven't blogged about him! I'm typing this with one hand as it is, haha!!

  10. I'll be honest...I usually think newborns are ugly {I know, horrible} & get annoyed when everyone is always like YOUR WRINKLY PURPLISH NEWBORN IS SO GORGEOUS but srsly...Tatum actually IS gorgeous. Had to tell ya<3

  11. everyones going to tell you this, even me... but you're not going to even really get it until months down the road... but it does get easier, she will get a routine, you will start having more fun, and one day everything will just click and you'll realize that you got this.

  12. She is seriously SO gorgeous! She has the most beautiful little face. <3 Congratulations, Lydia!

  13. ahhh!! i love her! she is so adorable!! ! congrats Lydia! :)

  14. shes so cute! the newborn stage is so short! enjoy it! cuddle as much as you can!

  15. congrats!! that one is one beautiful little babe!

  16. oh my goodness--gorgeous baby alert! she's so beautiful! congratulations on your new baby, and (basically) your new life.

  17. She is just beautiful! Congrats, Lydia!


I love reading your comments. They absolutely make my day. :) And I'll always respond back to you in the comments section. So if you'd like, stop back by for a reply! :)
