Tuesday, November 8, 2011

39 Weeks + I ♡ Leaves.

 {39 weeks.}

I can't believe my pregnancy is almost to its close. Other than a few aches + pains, I have actually really enjoyed being pregnant. I think I am pretty ready to be done, though. I'm just super ready to meet her. Josh is getting excited, too...which is the cutest ever + makes my heart so, so happy. 

I'm also pretty thrilled at the idea of having my body to myself again. Not that I haven't loved being a baby house, but I'm excited to lose weight and get back to a healthy size + truly feel like myself again. (When I say healthy size, I am not referring to this body. I am referring to my pre-pregnancy body. I was slightly overweight.)

{sometimes my fingers get a lil' swelled, so i wear this 25cent ring josh got me in the beginning of us.}

{leaf city!}

Fall is so pretty on our street! Seriously, just beautiful. Also, I don't understand the point in raking leaves? It makes everything look so boring! Our yard is completely covered in leaves. (As you could see in the first photo.) Makes me happy!


  1. i love your sweater!

    you know what's really weird? in a month you won't even remember what it felt like to be pregnant.

    owsley's birthday is next wednesday...can you hold out until then? keep your legs closed!! :)

  2. Deanna is so right, I hardly remember being pregnant, other than that I miss it in lots and lots of ways. Do you feel prettier pregnant? I did.
    I'm so excited for you to have this baby!

  3. a baby house--that's the best way I've heard pregnancy described ever.

  4. You are so beautiful!! And I love the 25cent ring you wear right now.

  5. these photos are gorgeous! i love leaves. and you are one gorgeous mama to be! xo

  6. I freaking loved this post! You're so cute :)

  7. I loveeeee the reference "baby house". =] You're gorgeous! I can't even imagine the excitement you must feel knowing that you'll be holding that baby any day now!

  8. deanna- i will try! haha. they could be birthday buddies. : ) it'll definitely be weird not being pregnant...so crazy.

    hanna- i do! i think it is because i was heavy before i got pregnant, and my pregnancy has kind of masked that in a way? i definitely felt cuter.

    chelsey- haha, thank you! : )

    stela- thank you so much! : ) i'm surprised i still have this little ring. it's been forever!

    nals- thank you so much, lady! : )

    allie- you're the sweetest! : )

    jamie- haha, thank you! i am super excited. : )


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