Saturday, May 15, 2010

Last Day of Work: I QUIT.

So it wasn't exactly an all-caps, dramatic, "I QUIT." situation.
Not quite.
Not at all.
Some part of me, throughout the course of my working there, always kind of thought it would be at times.
But when it comes down to it, I'm quite level-headed.
So of course I did things the right way, which is definitely the smart thing to do, and has it's plus sides.

I've worked at Kroger for almost three years.
There are things that I've loved about working there and things I definitely haven't.
Aside from mean customers and a handful of stupid situations, it's actually been a pretty okay place.
I've learned a lot and had great bosses, a couple of whom I would actually refer to as friends.
Sometimes it really, totally sucked.
But every job does at times!
And after all it is just that, a job. It's not my career.
It was something I was doing part-time to get by.
It taught me a lot and I think it definitely prepares me for things I may go on to do in the future.
I've learned how to deal with tough situations and people.
I have great customer service and accounting skills.
Which is pretty decent.

I owe most of my thanks to Angela, Allison, Leslie, Vanna, Jessica, and Cindy.
Ang, Alli, and Leslie are such great leaders.
Kroger is their career and they are so good at what they do.
They've taught me a lot and always been there for me and helped me learn.
Vanna and Cindy have been the best work friends a girl could ask for.
They get me through the days.
Jessica has been a great friend, too. And I've always been able to go to her for advice.
They're great ladies.
Honestly, when it comes to first jobs I think I was pretty blessed.
At least when it comes to the people I was surrounded by.

This post has actually been major cheese, but what can I say?
I'm feeling a bit sentimental.
Like I told Angela, joking, "It's like the end of an era."
Today is my last day.
(Okay, so I'm actually super, incredibly, very excited, too!)

(so this picture is really weird, but I've never used it. And I figured what better time, than a post where I'm both happy and sad? What better picture to capture this, than one where I'm half frowning/half laughing? And I have a really dimpled chin, so don't hate.)

Oh, and the major plus for being such a great worker?
Even though I'm quitting before my vacation is owed, I still get my vacation pay.
A whole extra week's pay for nothing!
Yay. :)


What was your first job experience like?




  1. Aw, I know how it is to leave a job and be happy and sad at the same time! My first job was at a bagel cafe, and to date, it is still my favorite job I've had! It was so much fun and I loved the people I worked with!

    I hope things get better soon!!

  2. awe well i think change is good and i love your facial expression hahaha! my first job experience was baby was fun at times.
    then randalls was my first real job. i hated the uniform.
    good luck! you will find something you love!


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