Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Baby Fever/My Future Children...According to The Bump.

So, I have baby fever. It's a constant ordeal. I don't know how to cure it! Well, I've heard that the cure is to have a baby. DUH. MOST LOGICAL SOLUTION. But Josh is far from ready...and I know that when it really comes down to it I'm probably not either. Goodness, I don't know what to do! Visiting thebump.com and looking up what my future children will look like was probably not a helpful idea. I did it, though! : )

All I have to say is...our son is very unfortunate looking, and I'm thankful this is not an accurate depiction.


{oh, btw. i know it's the exact same face. it's just something about that poor boy's coloring.}

{double p.s. i may or may not have understood that this was not really a combination of mine and josh's faces, and repeatedly said, "they have your eyes!" to josh. only realizing too late that in the picture i used of josh...his eyes are incredibly squinty. see sidebar photo.}


  1. haha you are so cute!
    I get the baby fever on and off!

  2. i did this too. those sites aren't very encouraging. my kids weren't very cute at all! ha ha.

  3. Hahah, those things freak me out. Try putting in both of your baby pictures for something maybe a bit more accurate.

  4. hahahah! i love that site! it's the best! the kids always come out looking....meh! hahhah. so funny!


  5. I tried to use this tool and it wouldn't work for me! Dang computer!

    p.s. your blog is adorable.

  6. This is so hilarious! I have 2 kids... maybe I should try it to see how accurate it is! ha.

  7. Oh God, I am the OPPOSITE. The idea of having a child is my worst nightmare!
    Although my mum felt that way and here I am!


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